Writing Contests – Avoiding Delays





Participating in the writing contest can help a writer groom oneself. It will help the writer to become highly disciplined. One of the key factors to be kept in mind when a writer wants to participate in any writing contest is that all forms of delays should be avoided. All forms of delay will affect one’s performance and, in some cases, it will also disqualify the entry. You need to be therefore highly cautious here.

When you signup for the online writing competitions, the first important factor to check is that you should take note of the contest deadline. Your efforts should be timed in such a way that you submit your work in a timely fashion. Only the work submitted within the deadline will qualify for the contest.

Many writers manage to submit the work on the due date but they deliver a rushed through work. When you submit last minute work, the quality of the work you submit will definitely be affected. There could be a number of reasons why one ends up rushing through their work in the last minute. It could be that one is too busy to focus on the writing contests.

There are also some writers, who delay just because they are unable to settle on the right theme or the idea. They keep waiting for a better idea and in this process, they end up waiting until the last-minute despite after signing up in the writing contests with adequate time for preparation.

One of the best ways to deal with this issue is that you should set a deadline for yourself for the finalization of the concept or the idea for the contest submission. Ensure that you select a concept or an idea within that deadline. You should also set another deadline before the actual deadline of the free writing contests. After completing the work, you must review it closely for quality related issues. Make the necessary corrections and changes so that your work is ready for submission on the actual date. If you do not take such a systematic approach, you will easily end up delaying your submission.

Go ahead and pick the most dependable online writing contest platforms. Select contests that will give you enough time for the preparations and start working on the contest submission immediately so that you could complete all the above steps in a timely fashion.


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